31 Day Ultimate East Africa Safari

Get really off the beaten track, an extremely rewarding and exclusive safari full of wonderful wildlife and experiences in Tanzania’s remote west – Katavi National Park & The Mahale Mountains.

The Experience

This is an itinerary that we designed for a honeymoon couple. We’ve changed some of the properties from the original itinerary to stay updated with the latest romantic properties that we would consider sending you to, and because as you know we tailor everything to fit our guests desires. This ‘now’ sample itinerary is designed to give you some inspiration for a wonderful trip around East Africa over the period of a month and actually spending time enjoying each location and property – not just tick, tick, tick! 

Best time for Visiting

Anytime of the year really! 

But, you may find it helpful to know that East Africa has seasons which are weather and cost based. So if this is an itinerary that you would like experience or take some inspiration from for an extended safari, let’s have a chat so we can advise you the best way to fit within your requirements. 

Ultimate East Africa Safari

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